If you are
not yet our donor

Just one click and you can be part of something great! Select the nearest Haema Plasma center and book an appointment that suits you.

We recommend that you eat before donating plasma and arrive hydrated after drinking at least 1.5 liters of water! Bring your photo ID, residential address card and social security number card with you. Please ensure that you have valid and original documents, we do not accept digital format.

If you meet all the health criteria and the lab results give you the green light, you can join the ordinary heroes of plasma donors!

If you are
already our donor

You can donate plasma a maximum of 45 times in a year, but 48 hours must pass between 2 plasma donations, so you can donate plasma again on the 3rd day. In addition, you must participate in a blood donation once a year, thereby helping to provide not only the plasma supply but also the complete blood supply, which is also very much needed.

Click on the appointment booking button, choose a nearby Haema Plasma center, book an appointment and start the noble path of donating plasma.